1 min read
16 Jun

LUCIFER,  a fan-feast albeit an overkill!!If

A thread of THANTHONI with a weak yet very sure vein of mysoginism and cleverly hidden anti feminism, weaving the story,based on CONGRESS PARTY, with perversion and reality entwined rather tightly, powering totally on SUPERSTARDOM ,is LUCIFER served with a twist!

NO! The review is NOT ENDING here!! I spend 3 hours with LUCIFER! and still am sane enough to write it, I at least deserve a revenge of one full page review???

Three hours of anti congress might get a tad boring but the clever directorial shots like the books of Snowden and Assange just before the introduction of the truth seeking “Govardhan” or the green orange towels inside the party cars and not to forget references to “ Goa Mumbai pharmaceuticals….ummm… drugs” saves the grace. Needless to say the punch dialogues powered by stardom is the most entertaining aspect, be it the walk of the “superstar Stephan” reminding one of the Rajinikant feat of sitting on top of his car or the quick pinning of the police officer by the superstar himself onto the wall with his feet up on the pitiful man’s neck!

Misogymy is very cleverly woven all through the movie, be it the instruction of the infallible STEPHAN to the younger shorter boy to take “reahel amma” his elder sister, home safely, being a silent note on women being needed to be protected or the confused helpless look of the elderly “acting chief minister” when the daughter, a woman want to set fire to pyre. Every woman be it the top media professional or daughter of powerful politician, are but love struck birds who can see nothing beyond the what their hubby serve them up or need some superman to trough up 45 crores!! The only “item song” however, had beautiful women, confident in their work, happy with their performance and so naturally churned out one of the best dances of course marred by totally unnecessary stretched out fight sequence!!

LUCIFER a charred flick dipped in great cinematography and clever doubly layered scene, oozing of the underlying yet very firm anti feminism with only superstardom at the crux!!Anyone who is DYING without their dose of MOHANLAL AND PRITHVIRAJ .. go for it !! for others yes I was freaking alive after the movie!!


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