This in defense of the Ego!!
Ego is but the awareness of I!!
I the ego!
I gloat so do I get snubbed.
I insult so do I feel belittled.
I need to win at very high cost and yet I lose!
BUT I am able to love my love.
Redeem myself by hugging my child.
Humbled by the magnanimity of my parents.
I Connect to other I.
I see the I of my child in other kids.
The I of my parents in many a aged.
My love in every couple in love!
I am the source of energy.
I desire life so I breath.
I desire love so I fall free in love.
I need to express and so I create!
I am the atman.
I binds me to the parmatman.
I am the one umbilical cord between TOUCH (matter) and SOUND (ohm)
.Between physics and metaphysics!!
I Am sacred because I throb with life.
I Am indisciplined yet childlike.
I suffer but to learn and grow.
I am worthy of reverence because an iota of Paramatman is within me!!!
Namaste i salute the i in u.!!!