Pitch Deck Template to raise Capital

It is necessary to communicate in the Investor's language when we talk to them. This course has enabled me to do just that!

SEO Enabled Content Writing

Conferred by UDEMY

Today's world of digital disruption demands content writing not just to the target audience but also to the Search Engines. Writing Content with a clear strategy is the key.

Pre-School Administration and Management

Conferred by Asian College of Teachers

A course By Asian College of Teachers gives a deep insight into setting up of a Preschool and the salient points to help Managing one. A insight into start ups is necessary to develop a holistic content strategy for digital footprint. A successful Content Strategy can be rolled out only if the start up pains are empathized with. Effect content writing is a result of harnessing this empathy.

Certified in Digital Marketing Fundamentals

Conferred by Google

A basic knowledge about the most used digital platforms is a must for communication and content strategist to make an impact. Content writing can get effective only if it is tailormade for the platform that it is getting published in. To Publish right content in right platform one needs to know the platforms.

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Certificate in Behavioural Science


A successful Content strategy can be rolled out only if the content writing is audience specific. To know your audience well a peek into the behaviour patterns is a must. The avatar and the persona which is the key to effective communication and content strategy needs to be created. Understanding Behaviour is key to it,

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Google Adwords

Conferred by Google

Any know how in digital medium is a feather on the cap of a content curator and communicator. Every medium opens up a whole new horizon . Sprucing up the content writing can be done through this.