1 min read
16 Jun

Credits: Neosperience

In today’s world  Clayton’s “Disruptive Innovation” is gaining momentum like never before. Companies, both start ups and well-established organizations are constantly coming up with MVP’s and hope to develop the product or service based on the customer’s requirement rather than shoving ready made products down the customer. The widespread adaptation of  Growth Marketing is a standing proof that today organizations look at receiving feedbacks, suggestions and even ideas from customers. They would rather invest on direct customer input than spend on fancy marketing consultants. This is precisely where Digital Engagement nudges in! Digital engagement means building a relationship with future, present and sometime ex customers through digital mediums like social media, website chat bots, emails or SMS. Digital engagement framework should work with 

  • Who are we trying to reach/Defining one or few Buyer Persona
  • What are we trying to achieve through engagement/Setting Goals or Identifying the goals of the company
  • How do we plan to build the engagement/ Digital channels, tools and assets
  • How do we monitor the effectiveness of the activity or campaign.

Reminding us strikingly of something ? Yes the basic Marketing fundas!!

Credits: Influitive

Marketing today should be called   Customer Engagement 

With this background Marketing department can no longer stay relevant with a mere one way communication from the organization to the customers. One of the most important arms of Marketing today is Digital Marketing, translated in today’s relevance; digital marketing is effective only if it is digital engagement. The marketing goals of  Awareness and Acquisition. Has expanded to Digital engagement goals of Awareness, Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Revenue, Referral. 

Branding and Positioning of the Product or Company 

Earlier every organization would build an image or a persona in line with its target market, usually what is socially acceptable. But today branding too is evolving into two way street.  Be it Amul’s cheesy campaigns or Cadbury’s progressive ones, they are adapting to the changing climate rather subtly but surely. Zomato and Swiggy are know for its quirky replies to customers on a day a day basis on social media. This is helped to humanize the brand and forge a emotional connect as the customers are able to reply and Engage with the brand thus playing a pivotal role in business. Credits : www.hbr.org, www.mailchimp.com 

To be continued…

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