1 min read
15 Apr


As human vanquish each level of civilization, the business too evolves in terms of products, services and also ethics. Though initially it all began with a mere exchange, transactions became more organized and larger stakes got involved. Sectors came into play which talked about long term relations. Transactions became more and more about value exchanged.

Find product  for market and not market for your product

 Digital revolution brought the consumers, customers, retailers and producers closer. With two way  communication, the sellers and manufacturers saw a way of understand the customer better and tailor make solutions catering the consumers rather than products to be sold. This brings us to a million dollar question, 

 How do we find who wants what? 

With that question, emerged an era of market research, google forms, rating and later reviews and feedback. Then came the era of customizing  the product or solution and specifically aim at one homogenous group of population. However even with design thinking enthusiasts advocating “buyer persona” and Agile school talking of being fluid and iterating and re iterating, the basic question was, How will you UNDERSTAND your customer? The answer was by ENGAGING with them. Then the next question would be why would customers engage with you? They would  if they find utility or value by engaging with you

Voila! Here swoops in CONTENT to rescue.

Content is the new Investment

Any digital marketer or should I say digital engager worth his/her salt will agree that the very essence of any digital campaign is CONTENT. Today Content is the pay out for the currency of the day i.e. attention, it makes sense that you pay the consulting fee to the present or future customer directly eliminating the go between. Content like crypto can either be mined simply through deep dive, experience and research or traded in through freelancers or corroborating or building up on already existing work. Currency need not be the only value provider. Good, relevant and consistent content with information which the user needs is rewarded with contact info, feedback, user profile and insights into the user’s state of mind. This in turn can be utilized to draw a more validated customer persona. Customer demographics are more authentic and get sharper with each engagement be it a query or review. So give value to get value. Digital engagement plays the most pivotal role in product development and constant evolution as the design is from the “horse’s mouth”. 

To be Continued…

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