That the hair stylist was not being paid and that the reason behind most of his worldly woes is/was Sharukh khan, is very obvious by not only the pathos that khan’s hair or ropes or whatever that was perched on his head, has been reduced to. But the fact that every single makeup man and hair stylist has decided to turn hostile in this movie is really sad.. because after all it is us viewers who had to watch the caricatures running up and down the screen for 2 odd hours or was it few years.. Om puri was not only upset that Farhan Aktar has decided to overwork him, but also seems to be very hurt by the fact that they had decided to extend his working years and are refusing him his well earned “retirement”----a sentiment he manages to communicate in every single shot of his. Farhan Aktar is the real villain. I mean just imagine he makes a guy evidently suffering from slipped disc (Sharukh khan) not only walk run and fight but actually expected him to emote. Is it a surprise that the poor guy looked as if he was suppressing throes of pain when he was supposed to be expressing his love to his “jungle billi” and the “billi” sure was looking very domesticated and definitely older!!! The only saving grace was her eyes.. coincidently the only part of her body which was not pouting. The ball scene was really a overkill. In this scene Priyanka is taken to a ball by Hrithik who is actually Sharukh. Are we so modern that grace and gallantry a bit too much to expect from a dance? That too at a ball??Hritik was clutching Priyanka as if they were gymnastic partners and Priyanka’s ex-pression had no semblance to the graceful dress that had been strapped upon her.... or if we go by the looks of it, heaped upon her!!! Ok Bollywood so anything can happen. And Hrithik is actually Sharukh in disguise. So if anyone having seen Hrithik walking and Sharukh Khan walking, wonder, then they can just jam their common sense and doubts up the wrong the place and Bollywood being Bollywood we forget the walk, the gait, and every other facets but for god sake, THE HEIGHT! And we are to believe that Hrithik was actually Sharukh? Sharukh always claims that negative roles gives him thrill.. well now he definitely looks like he is ready.At least look wise-VERY NEGATIVE. Next lets talk about the terribly meat-headed goons who accompanied DON for the heist. Well I was under the impression that when ever some one needs to commit a crime they need to keep the team as small as possible and as efficient. ocean eleven taught us that remember? Well but our DON loves people around .. he picks up a team simply to LEAVE THEM BEHIND. Maybe Bollywood is trying to work on the level of Indian police efficiency which is always under the political pressure but even the Indian criminals seem to be crippled by “upar ka dabav”. Seeing Sharukh khan’s “perpetual constipation” ex-pression, we are sure of some kind of “dabav” is in place! What was Priyanka trying to do, I am yet to comprehend, which in turn brings us to another vital question… what was DON trying to do? I know... someone obviously placed a gun on the team ( director, script writer, actors) and said “Yo! Guys, dust your ass up and make DON 2” and the poor team swung into action just so. At least that is what the movie is trying to communicate I guess!!