2 min read
15 Jul


The five Cs or the basic components for a marketing strategy to be reckoned with while building a workable strategy. In this series of 5 articles, I will be talking about each of the C with examples to enumerate the role played by that particular C in the Marketing Strategy. 


 Any company which is producing or providing a service needs to either solve a problem or address a pain point and leave the customer delighted after the usage of the service. So the first thing that needs to be studied is the Product or service offering, the vision and the mission of the company, and the branding that the company has or intends to build.

 Domino’s Product or Service Offering 

When Domino's started in 1996, it did not have much to offer to the vast Indian market but by 2012 it was had captured 16% of the Indian Chained Food Service Industry with the nearest competitor pizza hut lagging behind at a 4.4%. This was possible only due to 

  1. Door delivery: Addressing the pain point of mobility in high traffic Indian roads.
  2. 30 Minutes delivery: Instant gratification solution to the problem of long unreliable delivery services.
  3. Adaptation to local Cuisine: Giving a perfect palate to the new emerging India which was now open to the global market thus indulging and therefore delighting them
  4. Affordability: With a barrage of offers, discounts, coupons, Dominos’ became the affordable “angrezi khana” that the slowly globalizing India welcomed with open hands!

So here we had a product line evolving constantly with a profound empathy to customers’ unspoken needs which  helped Domino tremendously to capture a sizable market in just six to seven years. This is the standing proof that the base of any successful venture is the Product line and services offered.

Vision and mission of Domino in India  

  • Exceptional people on a mission, to be the best Pizza Delivery Company in the world.
  • Our mission is to redefine convenience by creating inspired food, picked up in three minutes or safely delivered in 10.
  • To be the leader in delivering off-premise pizza convenience to consumers around the world”.

 So if we notice the vision and mission of Domino is all customer-centric. They talk constantly of being the best pizza delivery, pizza convenience and deliver the “inspired food” to the customer. 

The mission and vision set the tone of the company, its goals and its culture. Once Domino came to India, it created paneer Makani pizza, to cater to the customers here. This is the perfect example of tweaking the product offering to align with the customer needs. I am sure nobody went to Domino’s asking for Makani pizza or paneer zingy before they offered it to the customers. Domino’s empathized with Indian love for spices and paneer and created a product line catering to just that following the mission and vision which harped on serving the customer. 

 Delivery was the next best thing that made Domino’s popular- Again engraved in the mission and vision. Dominos does not just talk of good food but promises its delivery to customers in its very mission and vision! 


 Taglines used to create brand awareness were all customer-centric and not product-centric.

 Eg: Domino's Pizza: Delivering Happiness, What We Need - More Choice. More Fun, The Promise Of 30-Minute Delivery 

All three taglines used is aligned to the Vision mission and the product line that Domino offers. With the target audience of the younger population ie between the age of 18 to 35, Domino’s associated itself closely with IPL and other such happening events even coming out with special pizzas and offers tailor-made for them.

 Domino's concentrated on building an image of a “friend” to the youngster who would like to indulge in the front of the couch watching IPL with a ready to order Pizza! T

his image aligned with the Product line offered, Vision, Mission and goals. The strategy of choosing perfect nooks for hangouts as retail outlets align with this image. 

So the first step of any business should be the alignment and sync between the PRODUCT LINE, VISION-MISSION OF THE COMPANY, BRANDING IMAGE AND OF COURSE THE GOALS AND THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SAME.

 Source: https://www.dominos.co.in/vision 

To be continued……

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